Seiriol Men’s Shed calling for new members!


Like many organisations we have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are only six of us at present; a few years ago we didn’t know each other, and now we’re friends in a community organisation with great potential. To exploit this potential we really do need more members.

What do we do?

We get together on a Thursday morning; the first thing is always a brew, which goes down well with biscuits and a chat, a few jokes, perhaps. There’s no time limit; darts or dominoes might follow, there might be work on a serious scale-model building, seeds to plant or pots to throw.

We try to do things which benefit our community, such as making the Girl Guides’ boat seaworthy and fettling the noticeboard at Llangoed Village Hall, and we also do jobs to make a bit of money to keep us going.

This is a Men’s Shed. It’s easy going, and is owned and run by its members. We don’t always limit our meetings to Thursday mornings, but it’s a day when new men can be introduced to our way of doing things. There are checks and balances, and a respectful discipline is always present; we need that and our members require it.

If you are interested, or just mildly curious, come and see us on a Thursday between 10.00am and 12.00 noon, or phone Mike Thomas on 07941 103386.

To find us from the direction of Beaumaris:

  • Go through Llangoed, past McColl’s on the right and down the hill
  • Cross over the little bridge at the bottom and continue up the hill for about 200 yards
  • Turn right at the Gerddi Haulfre Gardens sign into the Haulfre residential home car park
  • Walk down towards the gardens
  • Our workshop is on the left

P.S. It’s men only! … And please park thoughtfully

Do you have any skills or activities
that you would like to share?

Contact us with your ideas

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